This is John, my fave photog subject. He is my thirdborn out of four so he has to act this way to get any attention at all. This photo represents very well how I feel most days.
I am a 40 year old stay at home mom of four young kids who suddenly decided that I have lost too many things and people. My mom is gone, as are three of my four grandparents, my childbearing days and some of my hair. But there is plenty left and this is about what remains. I don't sleep much and my days are pretty crazy but they can also make for some funny stories. Every day is an adventure and I wonder what will be left of me at the end of it. My kids are amazing and frustrating creatures, complex to the core and always keep me on my toes. Before my current mom gig I spent a lot of time as a therapist working with kids and adolescents. My kids make me realize how very little I actually know. :)
LOL! Great face!
Love that face!!
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